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“AI marks the new ‘industrial revolution’ in human intelligence – automatic or augmented.” – Rafa Baca, Attorney
GenAI changes computing from data retrieval to data generation.
The Beckage Firm is founded by world-class legal authorities in AI and data compliance with industry and academic experience in development of AI models. Our team are thoroughly equipped to counsel on risk management, product counseling and protection of these critical data assets that fuel the AI products and services from top global businesses.

Our clients rely on The Beckage Firm for practical and empowering advice to manage AI’s legal risks. We assist organizations of all sizes with:

Strategy Development – We work with clients to determine how they can use AI and related processes within their organizations, including the potential impact on existing contractual requirements, business operations, and data collection and use, as well as use of AI by and through third parties. Our clients seek guidance on AI projects while balancing data privacy, data protection and security, litigation, and information governance considerations.

Jurisdictional Analysis – We create plans for organizations to understand what AI laws and regulations apply and steps for compliance.

AI Impact Assessments – We help identify potential pitfalls and liabilities with AI use, such as compliance, discrimination, bias, and
ethical evaluations, and assessing and implementing risk mitigation strategies.

Commercial Contracts – We help draft and negotiate agreements, addressing limitations on use, specialized contractual terms, specific use of data in training and rights in AI output. This includes responding to third party inquiries and security questionnaires regarding AI uses and practices. Companies using third-party generative AI tools may also face legal, practical, and reputational risks due to the provider’s noncompliance, and we assist through contracting and operations risk mitigation efforts

Privacy – We advise clients on EU and U.S. privacy requirements related to the use of personal information for automated decisionmaking leading to potential legal, financial, or social consequences for individual consumers or employees. Data subjects may also make requests (data subject access requests (DSARs)) regarding the use and removal of their information. Numerous privacy laws provide these individuals the right to access, delete, and correct their personal information, which may be difficult where the personal data has been absorbed into the AI models and systems.

Data Protection and Information Security – Security cannot be ignored in developing AI models and we help organizations establish internal controls and white papers for AI use while considering unique ways to keep that information protected from unauthorized use

Policy Development – We have drafted many AI policies and worked with AI development teams to create sound playbooks for internal operational practices for the Technology Teams.

AI Governance and Accountability – We assist with board and management education and reporting on AI impact and strategy. We help establish clear roles and responsibilities for accountability and transparency in AI projects.

Training – With any new technology, employees, IT and data analytics teams, and management must be trained on AI use, ethics, and risk mitigation efforts. We support clients with foundational knowledge regarding AI processes, including data assembly, AI and algorithm operation, audit practices, potential for disparate impacts, and related contractual and regulatory obligations.

ML Training Counseling – We assist clients in assessing the legal implications of obtaining data and content from public sources (e.g., web scraping to third party data acquisitions) to train various machine learning (ML) models and various AI applications. Training data may include personal data that was collected in violation of privacy laws, which may negatively impact the AI model
and derivative uses

Cyber and Privacy Insurance – As leaders in insurance markets, we help at no cost to our clients evaluate their insurance policies
to address AI uses and coverage with insurance carriers.

Regulatory Guidance – The Beckage Firm assists in responding to inquires from regulators on AI practices.

Data Breaches – We respond to data security incidents involving AI (e.g. use of AI by threat actors, or threat actor’s impacting AI systems resulting in data loss or disclosure or modification of AI for unintended consequences).

Merger and Acquisition Due Diligence – It is difficult for organizations in this fast emerging technological landscape to understand
and assess risk of AI use in mergers and acquisitions. Our tech lawyers and AI technologists and professionals can assist with due diligence measures.

MIT - Management Sloan School

The Beckage Firm is uniquely positioned because we not only have lawyers with AI MIT certifications, but also leaders in AI implementation from the world’s largest organizations.

  • Providing organizational advice centered on AI and related third-party consulting regarding data collection and use, algorithm development, licensing, data privacy and security impact, data lake development, data flows and use of limited data sets and de-identified data, and algorithm application, as well as monetization considerations and related contracting.
  • Developing internal AI program policies addressing product creation, related audits, and proposed law.
  • Advising on strategic company planning and contracting guidance related to AI and advanced analytic development and related cloud storage, data privacy, and third-party responsibilities.
  • Developing Data Protection Impact Assessment (“DPIA”) tools designed to support U.S. and EU requirements to identify and mitigate risks associated with
    the use of automated decision-making.
  • Drafting policies and playbooks for development teams.
  • Advising boards and management regarding up and coming AI laws and compliance measures.
  • Advise on requirements and strategies to comply with new U.S. state privacy laws requiring the right to optout of automated decision-making affecting data processing activities.
  • Drafting, supporting and leading discussions for industry reporting on AI uses and proposed framework.
Our team members have robust experience working with international organizations with AI projects. Our team member experience includes AI and data analytic projects for:
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