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Written by: Robert Noble

Integrating AI may seem daunting, but its transformative power is undeniable as being currently displayed at the groundbreaking NVIDIA GTC 2024. If your company is navigating the challenge of AI integration, let your AI journey begin with Beckage legal intelligence. Our team includes thought leaders and seasoned professionals in artificial intelligence law (AILaw)  We can assist with:

• Strategy Development – We work with clients to determine how they can use AI and related processes within their organization. Our clients seek guidance on AI projects while balancing data privacy, data protection and security, litigation, and information governance considerations.

• AI Impact Assessments – We help identify potential pitfalls and liabilities with AI use, such as compliance, discrimination, bias, and ethical evaluations, and assessing and implementing risk mitigation strategies.

• Privacy – We advise clients on EU and U.S. privacy requirements related to the use of personal information for automated decision-making.

• Policy Development – We have drafted many AI policies and worked with AI development teams to create sound playbooks for internal operational practices for the Technology Teams.

• Training – With any new technology, employees, IT and data analytics teams, and management must be trained on AI use, risk mitigation efforts, and ethics. We support clients with foundational knowledge regarding AI processes, including data assembly, AI and algorithm operation, audit practices, potential for disparate impacts, and related contractual and regulatory obligations.
The Beckage Firm is uniquely positioned to help your business begin utilizing the power of Artificial Intelligence. We have lawyers with AI MIT certifications and leaders in AI implementation from the world’s largest organizations. For more information please contact us at:

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