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With the increasing prevalence of digital assets, websites, and mobile applications, accessibility for all users has become a focus and often a concern. The Beckage Law Firm brings together seasoned lawyers, web designers, app developers, security/privacy experts, and owners of web design companies to create an unmatched level of knowledge, capabilities, and assistance. We stand at the forefront of ADA Accessibility Assessment and Litigation in Western New York.

ADA Assessment and Litigation Services from The Beckage Law Firm

  • Consulting – By evaluating websites and mobile apps for high-risk development and coding practices, we outline a comprehensive remediation plan. We not only consult but empower internal teams to identify and remedy legal issues, supporting an ongoing culture of legal compliance.
  • Litigation Defense & Settlement Representation – In the event of an ADA accessibility claim, demand, or lawsuit, we leverage dual expertise in law and technology, effectively managing the intricate legal terrain.
  • Compliance Review – Ongoing compliance reviews are essential for reducing the risk of accessibility claims, ensuring that website and app owners not only become but also remain compliant with accessibility laws and regulations.
  • Policy development – From content creation to design, both external and internal policies are crafted to align with ADA accessibility standards, integrating accessibility into all aspects of website and app development and maintenance.
  • Accessibility Statements and Plans – We assist in creating documents that showcase a commitment to accessibility, outlining the steps taken to make digital assets accessible to individuals with disabilities.

We’re on Your Team

From training and education to accessibility audits and remediation services, The Beckage Law Firm is a reliable and beneficial source of legal acumen and technological prowess. We provide a comprehensive suite of opportunities, guiding website and app owners towards compliance and inclusivity. As the digital frontier continues to evolve, we remain an invaluable source of support for those seeking to create an accessible and user-friendly online environment for all.

ADA Accessibility Statement, ADA Accessibility Assessment & Disabilities Act Buffalo, NY, Syracuse, NY & Rochester, NY

ADA Accessibility Assessment Near Me & Americans with Disabilities Act in Buffalo, NY

ADA Accessibility Assessment Near Me ∴ Rochester, NY ∴ Buffalo, NY ∴ Syracuse, NY

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ADA Accessibility Assessment Near Me

Buffalo, NY

Rochester, NY

Syracuse, NY